I’ve been inspired to create this personal project after helping my daughter with her final year assignment at school; on the theme of smell and how it triggers memories. A topic that resonated with me personally, having experienced it first hand when my mother was diagnosed with Dementia; loosing her memory and cognitive functions.
The Memory Project is my exploration into memory, the senses and the human condition. In this series of work I’ve explored the symbolism of ‘bottles’ as repositories of memory. Using different print, casting and photographic techniques I’ve tried to give the subject matter a new permanence, imbued with memory and meaning.
Still life photographer Graham Pearson
The Photoshoot
Working collaboratively with still life photographer Graham Pearson on the shoot. Firstly we shot the plaster cast bottles on a neutral background, giving the artwork an architectural presence and scale, like a gallery. We then shot the bottles in a premium luxury fashion, parodying the cosmetics industries slick advertising style.